Saturday, November 11, 2006

A lesson in tension

I started a sweater for my mother back in June--Art Yarns P90 Diagonal Triangle Tank. I got distracted by other things, as you do, and put it aside to finish for, hopefully, Christmas or her birthday in January. And there it has been for months.

This week I was lucky enough to attend a class by Naomi McNeely who wrote Compendium of Finishing Techniques. The purpose of the class was to bring in something that you were finishing and we would all discuss what to do. I didn't really have anything except a crocheted baby blanket for my new niece, K. I didn't even really have it to the point that it would need to be to put the edging on.

However, knowing I would see Naomi again on Sunday, I thought I would try to finish Mom's sweater and take it in to get help with seaming it (it is all garter stitch and I'm a little concerned about it "growing").

Wake up! I'm nearly to the point!

So this morning I finished the sweater, having only the last half of the back to go (sleeveless, THANK GOD!). The back was huge! The only thing I can figure is that my tension was way off. And it seemed to only be in the last half, so I must have been very relaxed over the last couple of days.

OK, I know, not that exciting. AND I had to frog it all (well, just all of the back). It would have been really hard to figure out where I was if I had only ripped back.

Anyhoo, working on it, again.

Also need to finish the baby blanket. I have her brother's, L2's, done.

K's has the same v-stitch center but I'm doing something different for the edging (haven't figured it out yet, though).

I would show you the other things I knitted and have already sent to the family but Blogger doesn't seem to want to upload this particular photo. Later, I guess.

Back to knitting.


At 2:51 PM, Blogger celia said...

Love the baby blanket! :)


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