Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hee Hee!

Well, slap my face and call me Shirley! I did it. Lord knows how, but I just kinda made some rules (probably the common sense that Melanie would hope I had) and kept going. By the time I got to rnd 5, which was the next rnd where you could tell if you have the right number of stitches in the right order, it seemed to be working. Hooray!

It is a little bigger than I thought it would be but that is probably just my gauge from being so unsure of myself.

Pictures will come later.

Thanks for listening to my poor mouthing earlier!


This is a plea to anyone who might have finished the Brioche Hat that appears in Melanie Falick's Weekend Knitting? I am to the crown and am stuck. I have sent a barrage of emails out to everyone I can think of to ask for help, including Ms. Falick, herself. I LOVE the way this hat looks and really am dying to finish it.

Why is it that I can start and put on hold so many projects but this one I can't stop thinking about??? I guess I don't want it to get the better of me. That's what's so frustrating! I've done loads of projects that are harder or more involved but I can't seem to get through this one!!