Lots of excuses...
but absolutely no good reason for my lack of blogging over the last 2 (?) months. I've been more of a reader--addicted to my bloglines and youtube.com.
But it took going to Jess' website tonight and seeing her post about Calla that got me back online tonight. I finished this a couple of days ago and, with a few changes, I love it. Some changes were on purpose (the wider straps) and some were mistakes (the more gradual decreases at the armhole).
I love the way it makes me look like I have a bigger chest than I really do!
Anyway, my changes to the armholes were due to misreading the pattern. The second instruction is to "dec 1 stitch each end every alt row X times (depending on size)." Well, I dec 1 st each end every 4th row (which is what the 3rd direction tells you). But I liked this better. By the time I got all that done (the mistaken part) I was nearly ready to bind off unless I wanted a boatneck tank, so I bound off the last 4 stitches (I was doing the Med size) by dec 1 st each end of next row (on RS) while simultaneously beginning the straps (I can't think of any other way to describe that--sorry). It just meant that I had to remember to do the same thing I did to one side to the other once I finished the first strap.
Anyway, good to be back. I'm heading out tomorrow to visit my parents so I don't know how much I will be around to post. Good news is that the boat is in the water and we have a cruise scheduled for the end of the month. More on that later, too.